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Selasa, 05 April 2011


Kawasaki Ninja 1000 Lebih Galak dari Z1000

AUSTRALIA, - Kawasaki meluncurkan Ninja 1000 baru yang dirancang perpaduan untuk turing , tapi dengan performa mesin yang galak. Basis moge ini dipakai dari Z1000 dengan model naked yang baru diluncurkan akhir 2010. Beberapa ubahan dan pengembangan diberikan pada Ninja 1000.

Perubahan paling mencolok dari Ninja 100 baru tampak pada fairing. Desainnya menyatu, mulai dari lampu depan sampai menutup mesin, yang dikombinasi dengan lubang angin. Sementara model Z1000, fairing lampu tersendiri, lalu di bawah tangki terpisah dengan yang menutup bak mesin. Atau lebih tepatnya, modelnya agak setengah telanjang.

Begitu juga dengan tangki bensin. Meski modelnya hampir sama, namun daya muatnya 19 liter, lebih banyak 4 liter dari Z1000. Dengan kapasitas tangki segitu bisa menempuh jarak perjalanan 300 km -meski ketika di tes 250 km - karena konsumsi bahan bakarnya 7,5 liter per 100 km. Lebih irit dibanding saudaranya yang 9 liter per 100 km.

Padahal, kapasitas masih sama 1.043 cc, berpendingin cairan, DOHC, 4 silinder segaris dan mempunyai tenaga 133HP pada 9.600 rpm dengan torsi 110 Nm pada 7.800 rpm. Termasuk juga sistem bahan bakar masih menggunakan karburator Keihin 38 mm.

Hanya, sproket belakang dikurangi 4 gigi dengan tujuan agar tenaga mesin bisa didapat pada putaran rendah (putaran bawahnya galak). Ditambah dengan buka tutup gas yang halus, sangat membantu penghematan bahan bakar.

Ninja 1000 yang mempunyai bobot 231 kg ini terasa ramping lantaran lutut bisa dirapatkan ke fairing. Secara keseluruhan, motor sangat gesit dan terasa kecil. Desain jok menunjang pengendara untuk turing jarak jauh. Apalagi sistem penghenti laju dilengkapi dengan ABS, sangat membatu ketika melakukan pengereman mendadak.

Sedang panel instrumen diambil dari model ZX-6R dan sangat membantu untuk perjalanan turing. Terlebih dengan penambahan komputer merupakan sentuhan yang bagus sebagai motor turing. Ninja 1000 dibanderol Rp148 juta lebih.

Sepeda Motor Monster

American Style Motor Bike Modification
Karya Steve Galvin yang memenangkan kategori Mob Rules

In Daytona carpet Progressive International Motorcycle Show 2011 competition finals dilangsung Ultimate Custom Builder which was attended by more than 40 motorcycles that have been modified. Among the participants who came from all over America, there is a previous winner of the Progressive IMS.

Various classes are contested, such as including Freestyle and Performance Custom, and then rewarded the Harley-Davidson Screaming Eagle 120 cubic inches for the win-modified Harley-class.

Jack McCoy appeared in Progressive IMS with bringing his work, Suzuki B-King, 1340 cc engine Stright Four twin turbo. Interestingly, the radiator was moved to the back and both wheels using size 21 inches. B-King won the category of Performance Custom.

Chris Richardson, owner of LA Speed ​​Shop, thrusting HD KW Tantalizer appear in the top class. Views super flat, despite that, the American motor with V-Twin engine with a capacity of 127 cubic-inch was still able to drag because the suspension has been equipped with water ride suspension.

Suzuki Vitara "Berjantung" Corvette

AMERIKA, — Suzuki Vitara mempunyai ukuran kompak serta bentuk luar yang simpel dan sporty. Sebagai produk global, ia mempunyai dua model, yakni empat pintu (sasis panjang) dan dua pintu (sasis pendek beratap buka-tutup dan beratap keras) yang mulai diproduksi 1989 sampai 1997.

Kebetulan yang masuk ke Indonesia adalah versi empat pintu (atau lima pintu plus belakang). Namanya pun beragam. Selain Vitara, ada Escudo dan Sidekick. Kalau di pasar Amerika, namanya jadi Chevrolet Tracker dan Chevrolet Vitara. Mesin standarnya berkapasitas 1,6 liter dengan tenaga 95 HP.

Seorang pemodifikasi lantas mencopot "jantung" mini SUV ini dan menyesakinya balik dengan mesin LS V8 350 HP dari sedan sport Corvette. Peningkatan tenaganya pun jadi signifikan, bahkan naik lagi ketika ketika diuji.

"Waktu saya ajak dynotest, hasilnya sekitar 401 HP. Sepertinya sih bisa lebih dari itu," kata pemilik yang juga pemodifikasi ini. Karena ia juga menyematkan Magnacharger (bentuk turbocharger GM), bisa jadi sekiranya tidak kurang 500 hp akan termuntahkan dari sana.

Dia bilang, sejumlah modifikasi menjadikan Vitara ini mudah dikendalikan layaknya gokar. "Mobil tidak mudah terguncang-terguncang," sebut pemilik Vitara hitam dua pintu atap terbuka yang menggunakan nama panggil "LS1Blazer" itu di forum penggemar Corvette.

Perubahan mesin juga diimbangi dengan penambahan bobot di bagian belakang. Ini tentunya dilakukan agar buritan mobil tidak terlampau mengangguk-angguk saat pedal gas dipijak dalam. "Namun, ada masalah saat berpindah ke gigi ketiga. Saya akan memperbaikinya," urai penggemar GM yang mengaku lebih memilih berkeliling dari toko ke toko untuk mendapatkan suku cadang daripada menunggu lama saat memesannya ini.

Untuk tampilan luar, ia menyiramkan cat hitam doff. Di dalam kabin, terdapat kursi dengan sabuk keselamatan lima titik yang dengan demikian secara tersirat memberikan tanda bahwa, "Hati-hati, ini bukan Vitara biasa".

Legenda Audi Quattro

JERMAN, - Nama Audi Quattro pernah membahana di arena reli dunia pada era 1980-an. Bahkan mobil bertenaga 550 HP gerak empat roda yang dikemudikan wanita pereli asal perancis Michele Mouton, sempat merebut runner up dunia pada 1985. Dan masuk 1990-an Audi menghilang dari kancah reli.

Kabarnya, pabrikan mobil Jerman itu ingin memproduksi Audi Quattro. Konsepnya sudah dipamerkan di Paris Motor Show 2010. Namun menurut sejumlah informasi, Quattro itu akan dibangun pada platform Audi S5.

Para perancangan dan rekayasa Audi telah mempertunjukkan konsepnya kepada dewan direksi Audi. Pihak perusahaan, konon siap memberi lampu hijau untuk siap diproduksi, meski belum ada konfirmasi kapan diumumkannya. Tapi, Autocar membocorkan informasi kalau Audi akan dipasarkan pada 2013.

Dari segi desain, tampilan Quattro sangat keren dan kesan sport sangat kuat. Garis-garis yang menjadi ciri kuat Quattro lama tampak pada bagian depan. Kecuali lampu depan ganda yang tersembunyi di bemper atas, plus kap mesin yang terdapat semacam rongga udara yang tipis.

Itu menyiratkan kalau Quattro memiliki tenaga yang hebat. Dibalik kap mesin teronggok jantung pacu berkapasitas 2,5 Liter dilengkapi turbocharged yang sama seperti pada Audi TT RS. Hanya, kalau pada TT RS tenaganya 250kW, untuk Quattro didongkrak jadi 300 kW dengan torsi 480Nm. Ketika berakselerasi 0-100 km perjam dicapai 3,9 detik.

Galaknya Quattro ini, selain karena tenaga mesin, juga ditunjang oleh bobot yang lebih ringan 300 kg dari S5. Bisa lebih ringan lantaran bodi terbuat dari aluminium dan juga ada yang menggunakan serat karbon seperti kap mesin.


Jupe berpose bersama rekan bisnisnya memamerkan produk Hurricane XCS



headline news – Wow Polri Sita Mercy dan Ferrari Malinda Dee,liat mobil mobil super mewah,siapa orangnya yang tidak ingin memilikinya.Kepolisian RI membenarkan dua mobil mewah yang terparkir di depan Badan Reserse dan Kriminal Polri, adalah barang sitaan dari tersangka Melinda Dee (47).

“Itu sudah menjadi barang bukti,” kata Kepala Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat Polri Inspektur Jenderal Anton Bachrul Alam, di Jakarta Theater, Jl. MH. Thamrin, Jakarta, Kamis (31/3/2011).

Dua mobil mewah itu adalah Ferrari merah tipe F430 Scuderia B 5 Dee tahun 2010, dan sedan Mercedes Benz tipe E350 putih B 467 QW. Mobil Ferrari itu tiba di lingkungan Markas Besar Polri pukul 19.00 WIB, dan kemudian pukul 19.45 menyusul sedan Mercedes Benz tiba di Mabes Polri.

Saat ini kedua mobil tersebut terparkir bersebelahan di depan Bareskrim Polri, sebagai barang sitaan polisi.

Kedua mobil tersebut diduga sebagai hasil kejahatan pencucian uang, yang dilakukan Relationship Manager Citibank Melinda Dee.

Sebelumnya polisi telah menyita mobil mewah Hummer 3 putih B 18 DIK milik ibu dua anak ini, yang diatasnamakan suami mudanya artis Andhika Gumilang (22).

Melinda diduga menggelapkan dana 3 nasabahnya sebesar Rp17 miliar, dan mencuci uang tersebut menjadi sejumlah mobil dan rumah mewah, serta mendanai beberapa perusahaan pribadinya.

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Official Launch Ferrari in Maranello, Italy F150

Italy - Ferrari team finally officially launched their car package for the 2011 season, the Ferrari F150 in Maranello, Italy, at 10.00 Italian time earlier. The process of unveiling and launch of their new car, made by their main drivers, namely Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa.

Thus, the Ferrari back into the first team to launch their new weapon for 2011. If at first glance, not many changes contained in the car, as well as the dominance of the Italian flag colors as noted in its official website.

But clearly visible is the logo of Ferrari's new team, the shape of the car a more assertive sidepods, became one of real change in sight. Part snout cars also seem higher than F10. While the KERS system and a more flexible rear wings, also re-paired in this car.

In addition, the use Pirelli tires also looks quite fit in with the red Ferrari. Here are the data while the car specifications that appear. (

- Form a pretty aggressive sidepods
- Pirelli Tyres
- System of KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems) installed again
- a flexible rear wing
- Nose higher car
- overall aerodynamic system

Lotus Renault GP, Welcomes New Era 2011

Persiapan F1 Musim 2011
Spain - alliance between Lotus Group with GP who gave birth Renault Renault GP Lotus collaboration, it becomes its own excuse for this team to call a new era began the 2011 season. The reason for the first time they can concentrate fully on developing the car package, with funding from the Lotus Group.

And this is it, a new face Genii team based in the Capitol, England. With the dominance of black and gold color in certain parts R31 car, make it look fierce. Simultaneously stuffing meaning that this team will be the team's most thirsty for victory in 2011.

Unlike the launch of Ferrari Sauber team, which was held in the middle of the track, the team held a launch Lotus Renault Grand Prix in front of the paddock at the track pit. With a black background, Lotus Renault Grand Prix team seemed to have its own power.

A quite unique, because this team into a team with the highest test driver, that there are 5 people test driver. Even Bruno Senna last year to strengthen the team of HRT, this time the Lotus team was recruited by Renault Grand Prix. Test driver of this team include Bruno Senna, Romain Grosjean, Jan Charouz, Fairuz Fauzy and Ho-Pin Tung.

Hmm, there seems to be the event's most talented racers nih search in Lotus Renault Grand Prix team. Clearly the five test drivers have the same opportunity to become candidates in the other team drivers, if they can show their best skills during the test session lasted throughout the 2011 season.

Pre-season MotoGP tests 2011 Begins, Fans Can Watch Free!

Jakarta - Want to be a witness Valentino Rossi's first time riding a Ducati GP11 complete with liverynya? Or want to see Jorge Lorenzo with its new logo on the motor, Casey Stoner with a motor Hondanya? Please direct to Sepang Malaysia on February 1, 2011. Because the party will not close the Sepang circuit entrance, and freeing fans to watch the free practice sessions.

Yup, this is a great opportunity for MotoGP fans, both located in Malaysia and in Indonesia itself. When else can watch for free the roar of motors sound grand prix for free? Although there is no certainty about the conference sessions fans.

Much has changed for sure. Because not only Valentino Rossi, but Casey Stoner at Honda, Ben Spies in the first team Yamaha, Loris Capirossi and Randy de Puniet in the Pramac Ducati, to Toni Elias who back up to the MotoGP class, will be a free spectacle for the fans who want to come to Sepang , Malaysia.

Norton Prepare a 1000 cc V4 engine for Moto GP

UK - After Stuart Garner bought the entire assets of Norton in 2008. It seems the spirit of a British manufacturer of this re-burning. One of the most bersar intention is to participate in the arena of MotoGP. Surely this is a distinct advantage for MotoGP, given the many teams who could not withdraw from due to high operational costs.

But Norton does not own, but working with Inmotec which is a Spanish racing team. And proposals in cooperation with Inmotec also be a fresh breeze, the article this way they can realize the dream to fight in the class of kings.

However, these intentions will be realized next year in MotoGP season alias 2012. Norton had already started to develop the capacity of one liter engine with a V4 configuration. Of course, to the advent of 1.000cc MotoGP race, which will begin next year.

Not only the factors of cooperation, but also as a great promotional event for Norton. Because they're harder to re-jealous exist in the motor business. Even holding the former CEO of Ducati, Dan Van Epps to serve as head of the branch. Later he would be charged with overseeing the dealers are being built in America today.

Aoyama Make Surprise in First Test side, MotoGP Sepang-Malaysia

Malaysia - the first test session on day one, MotoGP Sepang, Malaysia, finally started well. Not Casey Stoner, Jorge Lorenzo, Ben Spies, Dani Pedrosa or Valentino Rossi who was the star, but Hiroshi Aoyama. Surprised? Yup, the name alone is still a test session, everything can still happen. Included also with anyone fastest racer in this test session.

But despite a new beginning, Aoyama certainly big enough to make calculations. Because not only he is able to maximize the bike package from the satellite team, but his team mate Marco Simoncelli is also the second fastest racer. Aoyama secure the fastest time by two minutes 02,483 seconds.

This result is certainly a clear example settings changes will greatly affect the recording the fastest time. Although it can not be regarded as the fastest during practice sessions, because of weather conditions at Sepang Malaysia is also still subject to change, but the plot settings by Gresini team has been able to show promising results.

Do not want to lag far enough and wants to prove its consistency into the printer the fastest time in the test session, Casey Stoner was in fact only able to occupy the third place racer with the fastest time, two minutes 02,889 seconds.

The world champion last year, Jorge Lorenzo also has not seen the maximum to only appear in position 8 only. As for Ducati, only Hector Barbara who can score the fastest time in the top 10. Even Rossi himself was only able to score the 11th-fastest time.

Hmm, then the drivers will continue the test session for the second session today. We await the results later. (

The first test session results-Malaysia Sepang MotoGP 2011:
1. Hiroshi Aoyama San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:02.483
2. Marco Simoncelli San Carlo Honda Gresini 2:02.488
3. Casey Stoner Repsol Honda Team 2:02.889
4. Colin Edwards Yamaha Tech Monster 32:02.899
5. Dani Pedrosa Repsol Honda Team 2:02.933
6. Andrea Dovizioso Repsol Honda Team 2:03.296
7. Yamaha Factory Racing's Ben Spies, 2:03.387
8. Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha Factory Racing 2:03.644
9. Kousuke Akiyoshi HRC Test Team 2:04.292
10. Hector Barbera Páginas Amarillas Aspar 2:04.510
11. Valentino Rossi Ducati Marlboro Team 2:04.794
12. Rizla Suzuki MotoGP Alvaro Bautista 2:04.901
13. Cal Crutchlow Monster Tech3 Yamaha 2:05.135
14. Nicky Hayden Ducati Marlboro Team 2:05.338
15. Toni EliasLCR Honda MotoGP 2:05.915
16. T2 Yamaha Test Team 2:06.005
17. T1Yamaha Test Team 2:06.209
18. Karel Abraham Cardion AB Ducati 2:07.160
19. Loris Capirossi Pramac Racing Team 2:18.480
20. Randy De Puniet Pramac Racing Team 2:22.385
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